Tag: Joe Dever
The Caverns of Kalte
September 15, 2017
YOU become the arctic explorer sent by the King to bring Vonotar back to Sommerland for trial. You may not have heard of him in Flight From The Dark, and may not have met him in Fire on the Water, but he’s been there — the wizard who betrayed Sommerland’s guild of magicians and helped […]
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September 7, 2017
YOU become a C student and a refugee when the Kai monastery is destroyed. It’s the same general legend you’ve heard before a la Mordor. A zillion years ago, a whole nation of evil monsters, victory for the good guys thanks to a magic sword, then nobody checking on the monster kingdom for a thousand […]
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YOU become a courier on a mission to fetch the Sommerswerd from the neighboring kingdom to the east. After that big battle with the Darklords a zillion years ago, the kingdom of Sommerlund (which is adjacent to Mordor) gave away the evil-quenching Sommerswerd to the kingdom of Durenor to the east (located safely far away […]
Read moreLone Wolf
July 6, 2016
The Lone Wolf series was written by Joe Dever. It ran for 28 books from 1984 to 1998. Although each book could stand alone, the set formed a coherent story arc as your character developed and the world expanded. The world and its stories inspired a spinoff series and a video game, and in 2016 […]
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