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Russ Nicholson Video Game Castle Science Fiction Jonathan Green Allansia Earth Brian Williams Old World Joe Dever Alan Langford 1987 Magnakai Kai Khul 2022 1984 Titan Ninja 1986 Mark Smith ACE Gamebooks Martin McKenna Gary Chalk Love is Real Steve Jackson Orb 1989 1988 Tin Man Games 1991 Way of the Tiger Keith Martin Gamebook Adventures California Fighting Fantasy Orlandes Ian Livingstone Chuck Tingle United States 2014 Lone Wolf 1983 Post-Apocalyptic Horror Magnamund Jamie Thomson 1985 Mylène Villeneuve Super HeroReplay: Sword of the Samurai
July 17, 2019
Sword of the Samurai continues. Yesterday I took revenge upon the local lord who pillaged one of our villages, then made my way through the Forest of Shadows by answering two riddles. I’m crossing a bridge over a river, musing at how easy this has all been… …when suddenly the sky turns dark, the river […]
Read moreReplay: Sword of the Samurai
July 16, 2019
My wurst continues: Crown of the Shogun, sorry I mean Sword of Kings, … sorry, I mean Sword of the Samurai. Basically the single-book version of the Crown of Kings storyline, but in feudal Japan. I started my adventure yesterday, and defended a village from an attack by one of the local lords who has […]
Read moreReplay: Sword of the Samurai
July 15, 2019
That satisfying end to the Sorcery! epic is still warm in my belly, The series started off slow, but really ramped up into something great. So what will I do next? I figured that instead of powering through to the next Fighting Fantasy, why not replay an old one? Sword of the Samurai was a […]
Read moreThe Crown is Mine! Victory in Mampang, Part 5
July 5, 2019
Sorcery part 4, and our heroic and stunningly handsome adventurer is in deep crap again. I felt pretty great walking through two Thorben Gates in 10 pages of text, and getting into the Archmage’s tower… but it was a setup and now I’m trapped. To keep me company is Jann, that minimite from book 1. […]
Read moreThe Crown is Mine! Victory in Mampang, Part 4
July 4, 2019
Our brave hero (that is I) continues needling his way through the Archmage’s fortress, and referring to himself in the third person. In yesterday’s episode, I threatened a goblin and got directions, befriended the head torturer who turned out to be a nice fella once you get past how horrible he is deep inside, walked […]
Read moreThe Crown is Mine! Victory in Mampang, Part 3
July 3, 2019
In yesterday’s episode, our brave hero (that’s me, I mean that is I) got advice from an old lady about some birdmen who are working against the Archmage, killed a trio of sightmasters who were picking on that lady, harassed and threatened a tax collector, and got the password to the second Thorben Gate. I […]
Read moreThe Crown is Mine! Victory in Mampang, Part 2
July 2, 2019
Sorcery, Book 4 and my approach to the fortress of the Archmage to steal back The Crown of Kings. I spent the night in a cave, met up with some female satyrs and got some loot, and met a priest who blessed my spear. No, that’s not a euphemism for anything. And now I’m in […]
Read moreThe Crown is Mine! Victory in Mampang, Part 1
July 1, 2019
Again, book 4 of the Sorcery epic, our infiltration of the Archmage’s fortress at Mampang. I got through Book 3 with all of the Seven Serpents neutralized, giving me a permanent +1 Skill (now 11, +1 sword, +2 armband) and Luck (now 15! fifteen!) as well as the element of surprise: at certain perks throughout […]
Read moreInfiltrating a Fortress on an Empty Stomach
May 20, 2019
Sorcery book 4 again; the infiltration of Mampang Fortress, to take back The Crown of Kings. I have a moderately good skill, 14 luck (aww yeah!), 18 stamina… and no food. The book opens with rain coming, and I’m looking for a cave to sleep in. I find one which is occupied by a dead […]
Read moreMampang, Shortest Offensive of all Time
May 19, 2019
Sorcery, book 4 – the final stage, the infiltration of Mampang Fortress to take back the Crown of Kings from the Archmage. My journey through the Baklands leaves me in an interesting predicament: Skill 10, +1 sword, +2 armband of swordmastery = 14. Nice. Luck 14. No joke; a natural 12 then books 1 and […]
Read moreBrowse More Adventures
2014 Ninja 1986 Ian Livingstone Magnamund 1987 1985 Mark Smith Fighting Fantasy Joe Dever Jonathan Green California Kai Orlandes Tin Man Games Video Game Super Hero Horror Martin McKenna Earth Steve Jackson 1984 Jamie Thomson Castle Allansia 2022 Gamebook Adventures Love is Real Lone Wolf Russ Nicholson Chuck Tingle Khul Keith Martin Gary Chalk Science Fiction 1988 Brian Williams 1983 Way of the Tiger United States Alan Langford Magnakai ACE Gamebooks Post-Apocalyptic Titan Mylène Villeneuve 1989 Old World Orb 1991Plains, Forest, Lake, Victory! Day Three
May 8, 2019
The riveting account of day three, of my triumphant journey through the Baklands. I woke up on the edge of Lake Ilklala, with three dead Serpents behind me and one trapped in an orb by another sorceror. It’s a good day. A quick inventory showed that I was out of food, which isn’t great. I […]
Read morePlains, Forest, Lake, Victory! Day Two
May 7, 2019
The riveting account of day two, of my triumphant journey through the Baklands. The second day is mostly uneventful until afternoon, as a storm kicked up. But I notice, that the storm isn’t a regular one; it was focused on me! I holed up in a cave for a while, but it was no good. […]
Read morePlains, Forest, Lake, Victory! Day One
May 6, 2019
It was a grueling struggle, but I have crossed the Baklands, leaving behind six serpents dead and one imprisoned. Here is my story. I walked out of the north gate of Khare with 14 stamina and 4 food. My skill of 9, a +1 sword, and a +2 armband of swordmanship = 12 effective combat […]
Read moreStranded by the Lake… Forever
April 30, 2019
Unbelievable. The Seven Serpents, book 3 of the Sorcery! epic, is just merciless. I made it all the way to the Lake Ilklala… without meeting a single serpent. I know that’s not good, that I should have run into at least 2 of them during Act 1. Then the book let me jerk around for […]
Read moreDeath by Deathwraith: A Short Tale of the Baklands
April 29, 2019
The Seven Serpents is just ripping me up! Tonight was my third attempt, and it was more brief than the previous ones. Our doughty adventurer starts off in the usual fashion, bored and slightly sunburnt and attacked by giant birds on page 1. So, it’s basically hiking as usual here on Earth. I fight them […]
Read moreDeath by Earth Serpent, a brief tale of crossing the Baklands
April 22, 2019
Okay, my second try on Sorcery! book three, in which we have left Khare and are trekking the desolate Baklands. Again we open with fighting some birds, and some exposition that seven serpent-gods are racing ahead of me to inform the Archmage that I’m coming, so he can set a trap. Again, on the next […]
Read moreThe Curse of Yig, A Tragic Death in the Baklands
April 20, 2019
The Sorcery! four-book epic continues. I escaped from Khare a few hours ago, and the last few hours have been walking across the barren, nigh-featureless plains of the Baklands. Finally here on page 1, the monotony is broken when I am attacked by giant birds, and am saved by a giant golden eagle which also […]
Read moreScum and Villainy, Harpies and Gods
April 14, 2019
I take a breather in the cemetery, outside the crypt. The wraith inside was what I had hoped: a spirit of one of the town elders, who gave me the third line of the four-line poem I need to leave town. But the fight with the wraith knocked me down to 6 stamina, through a […]
Read moreWretched Hive… Continued
April 12, 2019
I just parted company with Lortag the Elder, keeper of the first line of the poem I need to get out of Khare, the famous Cityport of Traps. I move on through the streets, wondering where I can get a break on the other three lines of the poem… when I’m suddenly grabbed and dragged […]
Read moreWretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
April 11, 2019
Since my victory (with skill 5!) in The Shamutanti Hills, I’ve been keeping busy. For a start, there’s no way I was going to play the whole four-book arc with a skill of 5. So I rolled up a new one: Skill 9, Stamina 18, Luck 12. Nice and mediocre, except for that lovely luck. […]
Read moreBrowse More Adventures
Ninja 1988 Fighting Fantasy Allansia Horror Gary Chalk Steve Jackson 1983 1987 Khul Tin Man Games Post-Apocalyptic Joe Dever Video Game Castle Way of the Tiger Love is Real Keith Martin ACE Gamebooks 1991 Martin McKenna 1986 Earth Jamie Thomson Russ Nicholson United States 2014 Alan Langford 1985 Super Hero Science Fiction Gamebook Adventures 1984 Titan Brian Williams Kai Orlandes Old World 1989 Lone Wolf Jonathan Green Ian Livingstone California Mylène Villeneuve 2022 Mark Smith Orb Chuck Tingle Magnamund MagnakaiShamutanti Hills… Again. Day 6 and Victory
March 8, 2019
I remain baffled as to how my character is surviving. My starting rolls were abysmal: skill 5, and my luck of 8 and stamina of 17 won’t really make up the difference. I’ve been expecting to just drop dead at any moment, but random chance seems to be on my side, as I am slowly […]
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