Recent Adventures
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Fighting Fantasy Allansia Orb Science Fiction 1984 Jonathan Green Lone Wolf Tin Man Games Joe Dever Jamie Thomson Way of the Tiger Horror Russ Nicholson Mark Smith 1987 Khul 1985 Gary Chalk Post-Apocalyptic Titan ACE Gamebooks Video Game Ian Livingstone 1986 Earth Brian Williams Magnamund Gamebook Adventures United States Steve JacksonCreature of Havoc, play number 100 I think
April 23, 2021
So, I’ve been playing Creature of Havoc for a few days now. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m still not entirely sure what I think so far. The story so far, is that I’m an armored, taloned abomination. I’m a killing machine crafted by wizards and dropped into a dungeon with random movement and […]
Read moreThe Call of that hideous worm thing that snapped my mind and drove me to an asylum
March 13, 2021
All righty, my second go at Choose Cthulhu 1: The Call of Cthulhu An epigrapher told me told me that the lettering on Wilcox’s bas relief, was reminiscent of Esquimaux writing. So I impulsively jumped onto a boat to Halifax, then on to Greenland. With some sweet-talking and money, I found a guide to take […]
Read moreCall of the Giant Crab Monster
March 12, 2021
After over a year, I’m finally sitting down with my first Choose Cthulhu book: book 1, The Call of Cthulhu. My adventure was brief but terrifying. I saw a cult summon a giant tree monster, then visited a library. I was possessed with an urge to see the unexplored depths of the Pacific Ocean and […]
Read moreDestroying the Masters of Darkness
March 7, 2021
I just finished Lone Wolf 12, Masters of Darkness in two evenings, on my first playthrough. I know, I’m just as baffled as you! It was a great time. It’s an epic-grade story again, with adventure on the seas, hijacking an airbeast, walking miles and miles, and of course defeating Darklord Gnaag and saving all […]
Read moreFinished Prisoners of Time
February 20, 2021
I just finished playing Lone Wolf 11, the Prisoners of Time. It was a fun time, but not the best of them. Good: A very other-worldly feel, meeting cat people and brain-things and Kai itself. Hiking through the Nothing under psychic attack. Derivative: We’re in the Phantom Zone, plain and simple. Not great: Long spans […]
Read moreLone Wolf’s Escape From the Phantom Zone, Part 2
February 18, 2021
We continue with Lone Wolf 11, The Prisoners of Time. The first day was almost all exposition, and it boils down to these bullet points: The Lorestones are in Tolakos, a necropolis to the north. The Lorestones are also the key to the Shadow Gate back home, which is super convenient. The Shadow Gate is […]
Read moreLone Wolf’s Escape From the Phantom Zone, Part 1
February 16, 2021
I didn’t post at all about my recent playthrough of Lone Wolf 10, Dungeons of Torgar. I’ve been focusing more on the reading & playing, without the distraction of also writing about it. DoT was a quick and easy adventure, due to some good luck where I found the easiest path on my first time. […]
Read moreDestruction of the Tower
January 3, 2021
I’ve played ToD a few more times, but since it’s the same tundra and ice castle as I’ve described a few times, I didn’t bother writing it up until I got some somewhere new. So, welcome! You’ve caught me mid-way through the adventure: I have just landed on an unguarded walkway on the Tower, and […]
Read moreTower vs Glass Cannon, Part 2
January 1, 2021
We continue my glass-cannon playthrough of Tower of Destruction. Why do I call it that? Because skill 11 / stamina 16 / luck 12 baby! The 11 is nice, but 16 means that I’m at best 8 hits from death. I’m winning fights, but I’m running out of food to keep patching myself back together. […]
Read moreTower vs Glass Cannon, Part 1
December 31, 2020
Yesterday’s “skill 7” playthrough was amusing and brief. But for real this time: let’s play Tower of Destruction. This time I rolled: 7 skill / 16 stamina / 12 luck Not bad. A bit of a glass cannon, but maybe I’ll get a bit further this time. Again with the intro: fire and destruction, looting […]
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Tin Man Games 1987 Ian Livingstone Mark Smith 1984 Way of the Tiger Science Fiction Fighting Fantasy Allansia United States Russ Nicholson 1985 Orb Joe Dever Brian Williams ACE Gamebooks Jonathan Green Gary Chalk Lone Wolf Steve Jackson Magnamund Gamebook Adventures Horror Earth Titan Khul Video Game 1986 Post-Apocalyptic Jamie ThomsonSnow Worm of Devourment
December 29, 2020
Let’s play another round of Tower of Destruction! I enjoyed it on my previous run with a skill of 12, though some of the fights and skill tests in there make me wonder whether it really could be won with a lower skill. We roll the dice and… Skill 7 / Stamina 20 / Luck […]
Read moreTower of Destruction, Play 1 Part 5
December 25, 2020
Happy Christmas, solstice, Yule, and so on, all! I am celebrating with another night of Tower of Destruction. I have been going strong in my quest for revenge: exploring workshops and storehouses, freeing ghosts, and finding out that the wizard is very afraid of a sword inside the cathedral. The cathedral is locked, though, and […]
Read moreTower of Destruction, Play 1 Part 4
December 21, 2020
I’m still going strong no my quest to destroy the Tower of Destruction. I have explored the town a bit and I heard about a magic sword in the cathedral, so of course that’s my next stop. However, the door is locked and I need a crystal bird and book to open the door. So […]
Read moreTower of Destruction, Play 1 Part 3
December 17, 2020
Tonight we continue my playthrough of Tower of Destruction. Aliades the wizard was kind enough to give me healing potions and food for my journey north-east, where I intend to stop the Tower of Destruction from being completed. It’s a 40 kilometer walk across tundra, and then into the wizard’s Ice Castle… In the late […]
Read moreTower of Destruction, Play 1 Part 2
December 15, 2020
We continue my playthrough of Tower of Destruction. My stats are 12 / 23 / 11 but I’m down to 17 stamina at the moment from a few fights. I have made my way across the tundra and to the sphere. I’m not sure how to get revenge on a sphere, but I find a […]
Read moreTower of Destruction, Play 1 Part 1
December 14, 2020
Let’s start playing Tower of Destruction. The backstory is good old revenge: on my way back from market to my home in the frozen lands to the north, my home is destroyed by a flying sphere throwing balls of fire. Damn! The destruction is nearly complete, with only a few able-bodied people to take care […]
Read moreKitchens to chasms (part 3)
December 2, 2020
Part 3 of my first playthrough of The Chasms of Malice. I’ve been injured, and killed a lot of people, and basically bumbled my way around in the dark until the magic sword told me that I am nearing the big boss fight. I am totally not ready for this, as I’ve only killed 1 […]
Read moreKitchens to chasms (part 2)
December 1, 2020
Let’s continue the lovely rags to riches certain death story that is Chasms of Malice. Mission: Kill the king’s evil brother, Orghuz, but first his 7 lieutenants. Then bring back the magic shield because the kingdom is dependent on its supply of good luck in order to cope with life. Previously, I killed the first […]
Read moreFrom the kitchens to the chasms (part 1)
November 30, 2020
Dear Fighting Fantasy, I never thought it could happen to me. I was a lackey in a kitchen, a third-assistant rabbit skinner. Then one day a wizard rushes in and grabs me by the wrist, dragging me right out the door. My boss screamed and hollered up a storm, but they threw a ouch of […]
Read moreKether is a rough place!
November 23, 2020
I tried my luck at Rings of Kether again. I kept the same crappy character with 8 Skill and 15 Stamina, because why not? This time I decided to go to the local cops, and enlist some help. The officer I met, though, was scared to talk in his own office, and had me meet […]
Read moreBrowse More Adventures
Steve Jackson Titan Science Fiction Joe Dever Jonathan Green Way of the Tiger Gamebook Adventures Video Game United States Horror 1986 Earth Fighting Fantasy 1985 Khul Russ Nicholson Jamie Thomson Magnamund Post-Apocalyptic ACE Gamebooks 1984 Lone Wolf Tin Man Games Ian Livingstone Gary Chalk Mark Smith Orb Brian Williams 1987 AllansiaRevisiting the Rings of Kether
November 22, 2020
I recently saw on a Facebook group, someone playing The Rings of Kether. That reminded me, that I’ve still not completed this one! I had a lot of it mapped out, had some fun times bumbling around and getting my butt kicked, and so on, but never beat the big baddie at the end. So, […]
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