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Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse… Or Not

I’ve been enjoying Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? for the last few days. It’s well written, only slightly graphic, and a lot of fun.

On my second playthrough I found The End where we find out that the whole zombie uprising was caused by … ooh, sorry, no spoilers. 🙂

And it’s been so much fun that I spent half of the day playing it some more. Some highlights…

  • scored with my high school crush, aww yeah
  • been crushed beneath the wheels of a train, oh damn
  • watched zombies and Comic-Con go head-to-head, with hilarious results

And so far every play has just been from my first choice, whether to take a taxi, take the train, or hole up at home. So I doubt that I’ve seen one third of the book yet.

I recommend CYStZA highly.


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First published August 3, 2020. Last updated December 15, 2020.