Fighting Fantasy Fan
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Robots and dinosaurs! It’s Robot Commando!

Fangs of Fury was quite something, and after working that books for literally weeks I took a brief break and played some video games instead. I went to my shelf and closed my eyes, and my next book is…

Robot Commando!

I’ve been excited about this one for some time, but I’ve been savoring the anticipation, not rushing into it. There were only a few sci-fi FFs and though they’ve mostly been disappointing, this one has two things the others don’t have.

1. Giant mech robots
2. Dinosaurs
3. Me in a giant mech robot fighting dinosaurs
4. Giant mech robots that transform into airplanes
5. Giant mech robots fighting other giant mech robots

No joke, I have dinosaurs for Christmas ornaments (dinosaurnaments!) and I have a Mad Cat and Thor from BattleTech tattooed on my shoulders. These are long-standing passions of mine, and here they are together at last.

Steve better not screw this one up. 😉


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First published May 15, 2023. Last updated May 15, 2023.