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Alone Against… a whole series of COC7e game books?

I’ve played Call of Cthulhu RPG a couple of times, and I enjoy it. The problem is, as always, finding a group to play with. That’s part of the appeal of game books.

Well, turns out that the quick start kit for Call of Cthulhu RPG comes with a solo adventure called Alone Against the Flames. Within the story, it walks you through creating a character within their guidelines, then getting that character into a really bad situation, and probably dying by failing dice rolls. Hey… that sounds like… a game book!

Then last month, someone published (and I bought) Alone Against Nyarlathotep which is intended to be the same idea, a single player adventure, in the form of a giant PDF, using the COC7e game system. So that’s pretty great. I’m looking forward to playing it.

But it gets better. Chaosium actually has four more more solo adventures: Alone Against the Frost,the Static, the Tide, and the Dark. They’re available in PDF but also in paper form, so… that’s a series of six game books, and using the game system and horror setting that I’ve been wanting to explore. How very nice.

So last night I played Alone Against the Flames. It did not go well. I failed literally very single skill test, up until the end where I broke the chains to make an escape. But at that point you take 2d6 damage – having started the game with between 9 and 11 hit points, then taken a knock here and there. My adventure ended there.


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First published August 26, 2024. Last updated August 26, 2024.