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Victory for Deadpool, and a new fan of the Tingleverse books

Two neat things these last two weeks.

First, my sweetie and I have been playing You Are Not Deadpool. We played it a few times a couple of years ago, but never really played it out and sort of forgot about it. So we played it for a few evenings, I got a fair bit of it mapped, and also we won and foiled the villain’s dastardly plot.

So I was surprised to check my own site, and see that I played this back in 2020 and even mapped it out! Wow, how did I forget that? It was only four years ago. But looking at the maps I made then, it kind of stinks. For one, it’s lacking a lot of detail about stat changes and items. Another, I didn’t know that Marvel Multiverse books have hidden pages, so I’m pretty sure the map is incomplete as well. So, I’ll stay the course, and continue playing and mapping it again here in 2024.

Second, a friend in Delaware took an interest when I mentioned these game books that I play, and wanted to play one of Chuck Tingle’s game books with me over Discord. We rolled randomly, and the chosen adventure was “Escape From the Billings Mall” This was great, since it’s #1 in the series. The first time, she was devoured by void crabs in the parking lot. The second she ate an infected void burger, and exploded with void tentacles. But the third time, she made it through and out. She didn’t get a birthday present on the way, but she lived and of course the best birthday present was love anyway. So she enjoyed it thoroughly, and we’ll be doing more of that.

So, my current project is to continue playing and mapping You Are Not Deadpool some more. After that, I’m not certain but I have plenty of books to choose from.


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First published August 11, 2024. Last updated August 15, 2024.