Fighting Fantasy Fan
The Fighting Fantasy fansite in which YOU become the hero!

Recent Adventures

You Are Deadpool issues 1-5

October 8, 2024

So I am slightly disappointed. Last week I was thrilled to see that there was more You Are Deadpool – five issues! I got them today, and realized… The one I have is in fact these same five issues bound together. So that’s sad. Only the one book with five chapters, not four more books. […]

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Some minor maintenance, and more You Are Deadpool!

October 4, 2024

Two news items. First, I’m going through and doing some minor maintenance on my site. I’m checking and fixing broken links, correcting outbound links to others’ pages, that sort of thing. This should help my SEO a bit, so that’s nice. But then there was this: “You Are Deadpool” really did become a series! There […]

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What Lies Beneath? Let’s find out

September 28, 2024

For my birthday a few months back, a friend bought me a new gamebook – What Lies Beneath by Chris Scaffidi. How cool is that? He’s so great. A couple of weeks ago I finally opened it, and have been playing it since. It’s what it says on the cover – a dungeon crawl. And […]

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Escape from Emberhead

September 12, 2024

I’ve finished mapping out Alone Against the Flames, and added them to the site. This is the first of six game books based on Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition rules. Neat. It was a tad irritating at first. The nature of COC’s skill checks combined with a game book’s requirement to pass Test 1, Test […]

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Mail Call of Cthulhu

August 31, 2024

The four Chaosium gamebooks arrived today! So this is exciting. I’ve been playing Alone Against the Flames for a few evenings, and having a good time of it. Last night I found the Page 270 ending which I thought was pretty awesome. And I found the one where I was mauled to death by a […]

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Alone Against… a whole series of COC7e game books?

August 26, 2024

I’ve played Call of Cthulhu RPG a couple of times, and I enjoy it. The problem is, as always, finding a group to play with. That’s part of the appeal of game books. Well, turns out that the quick start kit for Call of Cthulhu RPG comes with a solo adventure called Alone Against the […]

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Maps are up for You Are Not Deadpool

August 25, 2024

I’ve finished re-mapping and re-uploading those maps for You Are Not Deadpool. There’s a lot more to them now, including secrets and stat adjustments and a few notes. Enjoy! For our next game book, I’m  going to try something entirely new: the solo adventures for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. Yes, they are game books […]

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Victory for Deadpool, and a new fan of the Tingleverse books

August 11, 2024

Two neat things these last two weeks. First, my sweetie and I have been playing You Are Not Deadpool. We played it a few times a couple of years ago, but never really played it out and sort of forgot about it. So we played it for a few evenings, I got a fair bit […]

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Dispelling the Darkness Over Arkham

July 28, 2024

Last night we finished the last of the mapping for The Darkness Over Arkham. and today I finished my scans and writeup. Fun time. Not as deep as the ACE gamebooks, but honestly few game books are. Still, it was a good time for a few weeks. First off, I love the Arkham Horror series […]

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Chasing Shadows Over Arkham

July 8, 2024

I have given up on Amtrak finding my book bag (its been over a week, I even told them the exact seat number), and I have ordered up a new copy of Crypt of the Sorceror. I sure am glad I took it and not Curse of the Mummy! Until that comes, we have been […]

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Crypt of the Sorcerer stays hidden… for now

July 1, 2024

Well, this stinks. This last week I went to Seattle for some music, and on the Amtrak I left my book bag along with the book in it – Crypt of the Sorcerer. So that stinks. I left a message to their lost & found, and we’ll see how it goes. I may or may […]

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Back to FF: Crypt of the Sorcerer

June 19, 2024

After two months of putting it off, last night I finished my mapping and writeup of Moon Knight: Age of Anubis. But rather than dwell on that unpleasantness, let’s grab a new book of the shelf, and this time it’s… Crypt of the Sorcerer, Fighting Fantasy number 26. The intro is pretty typical: A dead […]

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Email service fixed

June 16, 2024

Another server upgrade! I have outbound email working now, yeah after like 8 years of ignoring it. So now I’ll see comments, and you’ll get my replies to them. I do value the comments, even/especially the ones pointing out a mistake. Please keep them coming.

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Six more weeks of Moon Knight

Yesterday we finally finished the playing and initial mapping of Moon Knight Age of Anubis. I still have a few things to track down: a few items and keywords I missed, and two of the secret pages, So that will be another day’s work, and the final maps for the site. It’s hard to believe […]

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Server upgrade! She Hulk! Moon Knight! Baldur’s Gate 3!

April 30, 2024

It’s been a busy month with other things. I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for a fair bit of my free time, which has been cutting into the game books time. It’s a fun game, engaging, large, full of explosions and intrigue and all the stuff we like about video games. I’ve gotten to the […]

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Thank you to my fans (or critics? either way!)

March 9, 2024

A few weeks ago, someone sent in comments on some of my Lone Wolf pages. They pointed out some mistakes in my map, pointed out that one of the errors I had mentioned was not in fact an error, and so on. I reviewed my maps and consulted the books on Project Aon. I scratched […]

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Living Without F.E.A.R.

A month later and I am finally done with Appointment With F.E.A.R. It was really quite involved, perhaps the most complex Fighting Fantasy book I’ve known. And somehow that complexity was also why I didn’t enjoy it as much as I could have? The good: Four different super heroes, means four different win conditions. That […]

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Still trying to make an appointment

February 15, 2024

I’m still trying to make my appointment… with F.E.A.R.! I think that Appointment With FEAR is the most complicated Fighting Fantasy book I’ve played yet. Four super powers, which change the choices available, not just for whether you instantly win a fight, but whether you find clues and open up side quests Numerous side quests, […]

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Missed another appointment…. with FEAR!

January 15, 2024

Well, we’ve played Appointment With F.E.A.R. several times now, and every time we just flounder randomly, fail a lot at being heroic, then die. Here are a few highlights! Rolled 9 skill, chose technical heroism. Failed to stop an airplane from being hijacked. Decided to investigate a dairy because our pager said to. Saw a […]

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I’m here, and feeling the F.E.A.R.

January 10, 2024

I notice that it’s been almost 2 months since my last post, when I finished playing Space Assassin. I’ve played Appointment with F.E.A.R. a couple of times with my sweetie, though didn’t write up anything. It’s an interesting premise, being any of four types of super-hero and with a variety of clues that unlock certain […]

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This time they sent a better assassin (part 3)

November 21, 2023

Continuing with Space Assassin. Turns out that not having a Skill of 7 is really instrumental in having a fair chance here! So, this spaceship is just goofy. It was corridors and laboratories and all for a while, then I fell into a pool that flushed me down to a planet. I wandered plains and […]

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